The 101 On Clip In Human Hair Extensions With Kiki
- Clip-ins are an excellent alternative to permanent hair extensions, and here are a few simple reasons why. Clip-in extensions last a really long time, they’re super affordable in comparison to permanent extensions and they’re so easy to maintain!

We all know that hair extensions serve two main purposes - to create the effect of longer hair and also to add more volume where desired. Clip-ins achieve exactly that, and when placed correctly and taken care of, people are unlikely to notice that you’re wearing any extensions at all. Your extensions will blend in with your natural hair as long as you choose the right colour and thickness for the style you’re hoping to achieve. Most clip-ins last from six months to a year, depending on how frequently they’re worn.
Clip-ins take only five minutes to apply and 30 seconds to take out, and are by far the quickest method of extensions out there. There are several advantages and benefits to clip-in extensions, which is why they’re seen to be the most preferred technique of hair enhancement by both stylists and home users alike.

Clip-in extensions can transform your hair in a matter of minutes by adding length, volume or a pop of colour to your natural hair. Application only takes a matter of minutes, and can easily be done at home. Of course, if you’re not quite confident in the application process and would like a helping hand, pop into your local salon and have a hairdresser help you along!
Clip-ins attach to your natural hair using pressure sensitive clips, meaning they don’t cause any damage to your hair. More permanent methods of hair extensions can be super hard on your hair, resulting in long-term damage, breakage and in extreme cases, hair loss. Clip-ins are a safe alternative to help you avoid those nasty glues, toxic adhesives and harsh bonding solutions.
Best of all, you can pop them on and take them out whenever you want to change your look at a moment's notice.
Clip-in hair extensions are the perfect solution for a quick and easy change of hairstyle. Use them to add length and volume without waiting for your hair to grow out, or add highlights by choosing a lighter colour without changing your own. You even have the option to opt for temporary bangs without needing to visit the salon!
Like any method of hair extensions, clip-ins can be a little daunting to those who have never applied them before. Let us answer a few commonly asked questions that will hopefully help you out!
Should I Use A 1-Piece Extension Or Multiple Pieces?
Honestly, it all depends on the style and look you’re hoping to achieve. 1 piece clip-ins are simple to attach and offer an instant hairstyle in a snap. 1-piece systems are available in a variety of lengths and colours. We recommend a 1-piece extension for beginners as they are easiest to practice with you and you don’t need any prior experience of application!
Multiple piece extensions are available in varying widths, lengths and colours of weft hair that are positioned from smallest to largest, working from the bottom upwards. Multi-piece extensions certainly offer the widest range of versatility when it comes to styling, but the application process does take a little practice to make it perfect.
How Do I Match My Natural Hair Colour To My Extensions?
While your initial instinct may be to match your natural hair to your extensions by root colour, that may not give you the best match. We recommend matching your extension colour to the colour of your natural hair tips, and opt for the colour that is most prominent throughout your natural hair.
With that being said, clip-in extensions are always a great way to create an ombré effect and other multi-coloured styles. Take, for example, Kylie Jenner and her teal tips. As long as your extensions are blended with a great style, you’re all set.
How Much “Weight” Of Hair Will I Need To Buy?
As it turns out, there’s no real telltale indicator for how much faux hair works for you and your natural head of hair. Put simply, it’s all a matter of preference. The basic rule of thumb is the shorter your hair is, the more grams you want your extensions to weigh to account for enough length and volume.
Don't let the number of clips be an indicator of how much hair is in the package you choose, as each clip could be relatively lightweight. We recommend aiming for approximately 20 inches of hair, which should sit just past your chest.
How Can I Style My Extensions To Look Like My Real Hair?
Typically, blunt cuts such as a bob or lob are also the most difficult styles to blend with extensions. To minimise the risk of being outed for your clip-ins, try wearing your hair wavy or curly, but not dead straight. Waves add a more natural look to clip-ins and help to hide any pesky bumps from the extensions.
When you’ve finished styling your hair, always take a quick look at the back of your head in the mirror before heading off. This is where your clip-ins are most likely to pop up and cause trouble without strict supervision.
Can I Straighten Or Curl My Clip-In Extensions?
For sure! Just as you would on your natural hair, you can straighten, curl, crimp and wave your clip-in extensions as much as your heart desires. They’re designed to be styled! As always, use a heat protectant to help them last as long as possible.
Can I Colour My Clip-In Extensions?
Since clip-ins are already available in such a huge range of shades and tones, we don’t recommend colouring your extensions unless you absolutely have to. If you absolutely MUST colour your extensions, we believe it’s best to have them professionally coloured by a stylist who can perform a test sample first. Where possible, we also recommend using a semi-permanent colour as opposed to permanent as it is much gentler on the extensions.
How Often Do I Need To Wash My Extensions?
As a general guide, we recommend washing your clip-in extensions following 5-10 uses, or when you notice your styling products beginning to build up on the strands.
This build up will usually be due to protectants, treatments, hairspray and mousses. Remember to treat your extensions as nicely as you would treat your natural locks.
Can I Sleep With Clip In Extensions?
We don’t recommend wearing your clip-in extensions to bed. Sleeping with your extensions in may cause tangling, matting and/or damage to the clips - and potentially your natural hair if they pull during the night.
We know it’s a huge effort to undo all of your hard work after a big night, but you’ll certainly increase the lifespan of your extensions by taking them out before rewarding yourself with that ever-important beauty sleep.
Hopefully those commonly asked Q’s and frequently answered A’s shed a little more light on clip-in extensions and the wearing/maintenance process! You might still be wondering about the benefits of choosing clip-ins compared to the plethora of other methods on the market, so we’ve made it short and sweet for you…
Super Easy Styling
You can purchase clip-in extensions that are curly, straight or somewhere in between. However, if you decide that you want to change up the look, you can easily style your extensions to achieve the look that you want. Your options are endless!
No Commitment
Not that we’re accusing any of you girls of being commitment-phobes like us, but one of our main reasons for loving clip-in extensions is because the change is only temporary! For some people, hair extensions are a treat for special occasions, whilst for others, they are an everyday necessity. Unlike glued or sewn in pieces, clip-ins allow you to have complete control over your lovely, long locks, meaning you can clip them and take them out whenever you want.
Great for Daytime
If you are looking for a simple way to improve your casual daytime look, you can simply clip in a couple of extensions to add a little more volume or to boost your high and bouncy or sleek and low ponytail.
Low Maintenance
If you’re chasing quick, easy and low maintenance hair extensions, clip-ins are a great choice for you. Unlike other hair extensions that require professional stylists for application and removal, clip-in extensions are really very easy to wear and remove without needing an extra hand.
Less Damage
Clip-in extensions are perfect for those girls looking for an extension method with minimal damage, or those girls whose hair has already been damaged by other extensions processes. Unlike extensions that are glued or sewn in, clip-ins will not cause any breakage, damage or thinning to your natural hair.
Well, there you have it. Our complete guide to clip-in extensions for those girls looking to change up their look without needing to commit to something permanent. Clip-ins are a fantastic product for both everyday wear and special occasions, providing you with total flexibility and creativity of your locks! Browse our online store to pick up your very own set of extensions and be sure to tag us in your pictures! @kikihairextensions