Article: What You Should Know Before Buying Clip-In Extensions Online

What You Should Know Before Buying Clip-In Extensions Online
Choosing the right colour shade of hair will be the determining factor in whether your new clip-in extensions will blend naturally with your own hair and not wearing a faux hair piece. Kiki Hair Extensions carries over 50 colour shades from basic natural colours to foiled colors, reds, coppers, blondes, Balayages, and ombre hair colour extensions.
The best way to accurately match your clip-in extensions with your own hair is to colour match it with the hair closer to the ends of your natural hair. You never want to make the mistake of colour matching with the hair closest to your roots.
Just like your natural hair, clip-in hair extensions can become dry, frizzy, and get split ends. The results are the hair appearing damaged, tangled, or matted from daily styling. Start by cleansing your extensions with the Kiki Hydrate Shampoo to help restore the hair vitality and sheen. The Kiki Hydrate shampoo also works great for your own hair and helps to repair damaged, dull hair.
Wash your clip-in extensions just as you would your own hair moving in a downward motion. Be careful not to twist, scrub or tangle the hair. Also, be sure to follow-up with the moisturising Kiki Hydrate Conditioner to instantly transform dull hair into soft, silky, and luxurious locks. Apply a small amount of Kiki Hydrate Leave-In Conditioner to the hair to ensure that the hair remains soft, smooth, and moisturised while wearing. Remove and tangles with our Kiki Tangle Teaser Loop Brush starting from the ends of the hair and working your way up toward the weft.

It’s true that synthetic hair extensions have drastically improved with all the technological advancements, but investing in human hair extensions is the best option in the long run. We only offer Remi human hair because it is the best option. Remi human hair is unprocessed and kept intact for a more natural appearance when worn.
Synthetic hair becomes easily tangled and has a very short lifespan compared to human hair extensions. Our extensions will last you well over a year when cared for properly. Synthetic hair will only last you a couple of weeks at the most. And using heat can permanently destroy the texture of synthetic hair fibres. With our human hair extensions, you can customise the colour, use heat styling tools, wash, and condition the hair without altering or damaging the texture. For best results, book an appointment online with one of our trained Kiki hair professionals to customise your human hair clip-in extensions to complement your style.
One of the main reasons why women purchase hair extensions is to add length to the hair, but thickness is another area to consider when purchasing hair extensions. At Kiki Hair, we offer our extensions in two sets; the natural set and the deluxe set.
Our Natural Set weighs 100 grams and falls at 22-inches. The natural set is best for women with fine or long hair. The thickness of the hair is full enough to add length and some fullness to those with finer hair types. It’s perfect for those who are looking to enhance their look and add length to their hair without it appearing unrealistic.
Our Deluxe Set has a thickness of 220 grams and also falls at 22-inches. This set works best for women with thick, short to medium hair lengths. It will give your hair added body, bounce and fullness without anyone suspecting that you are wearing hair extensions.