Article: Be Bold and BRAID

Be Bold and BRAID
They are the hottest on trend look for every occasion from music festival to Sunday brunch.
We have pulled together a few braided looks to explain the difference and help you navigate the world of braids. They can so easily be dressed up and dressed down and best of all.... they hide a dirty hair days with ease!
#1 Milkmaid braids
Super easy to create. Simply do two very loose plaits from the ears down, secure with hair ties and wrap around the head and pin into place. The messier the better.
#2 Reverse Fishtail Braid
A little more complex of all the braids, but best described as separating the hair extensions into 2 sections and taking a small piece of each of the sections and wrapping over into the middle.
#3 Reverse Dutch Braid
The braid we all tried to do on our barbies when growing up, the only difference is with this one instead of pulling the hair over the top when braiding your hair extensions we simply pull it underneath instead. This makes it reverse and stands it up from the head giving this awesome effect.
#4 Double Braid - Flishtail blending into a plait
Boho, messy and chic. The messier the better! We simply did a loose plait through the bottom section of the models hair and with the top section we did a messy fishtail braid. Once we had secured both sections with hair ties the top braid was simply threaded into the top of the bottom plait and voila.
Dont forget to add your Kiki Hair Extensions to your hair before your creating your masterpieces. If you haven't got yours yet you can get them by clicking on the photo below:
It doesn't matter how you wear them, or where you wear them, as long as your wearing them. Join the Kiki braided girl gang!