This article is a little different… We recently received a testimonial from a client who wishes to remain anonymous. She recently discovered Halo Hair Extensions and found out just how much they could help her gorgeous natural hair recover after causing it some serious damage!
We see clients all the time who have made similar mistakes and have come to us for help - but we know that there are a lot of you out there who might want that help but are either too embarrassed by the damage they have done to their hair or really just don't know who to ask. We wanted to share her story with you so that you know there are ways to work with what you've got while you're "on the road to recovery" as our client might put it! You don't ever have to worry about a bad hair day again with this accessory in your life!
If you have damaged your hair, are trying to grow your hair long and luscious or your hair really needs a little ‘TLC’ – this is for you.
If you want to skip this juicy story and get to the info - scroll down to the first video.
"I killed my hair..."
- Kiki Client
"I spent my entire life as a bottle-black and one day I woke up thinking it was time for a change… I don’t know why, because I LOVED my black hair… but it happened, I went to the salon and we started the very long process.
Now – I do need to confess before I continue… I used to be every hairdresser’s worst nightmare. I never went to the salon for my colours or trims. I always used packet dye. I never knew that it was ok to just touch up your roots so I was the “two-packet-job” girl who covered every inch of my hair in black dye, every 6 weeks… for many, many years. If you know much at all about colouring your hair, you can imagine the amount of black build up that was occurring here…
So, needless to say, the transition from black to natural (medium to light brown) was slow and pretty painful for my locks, which at that time, were super long… I’m talking down to my butt - looking like a mermaid long.
My hair would have survived this transition if it was a once off… yep – I’m that girl… I was looking in the mirror at my lightened hair one day and I just thought, “This is not me…!”
I got in my car. I drove to the supermarket. I got back on the bottle-black bandwagon. Yeah, I know, I sound like an addict… But I know I’m not the only one who feels like my hair gives me … well, ME!
You know that feeling when you’re having a fantastic hair day and it literally makes you feel like you can conquer anything life is about to throw at you? I know it sounds cliché but we all know it IS a “thing”. Black hair made me feel that way… For so long it was my 'attitude'… I guess it felt a little uncomfortable seeing a different version of me! Well…
…It gets worse…
After another few months of black packet-dyes… I decided, again, that I had to go light.
Cringing yet? Yeah. It was a bad time.
My stylist made me promise her that I would never do this again.
At that point I had already had a significant amount of length lost to dead ends that were necessarily trimmed and she told me that if I EVER dyed my hair black again she would have to chop it all off.
I promised her, and down the lightening road we went, one last time.
To cut the story just a little shorter, we got there!!
I had a pretty awesome medium brown to blonde balayage after a few months and I really liked it!
But the damage was done. In a very short amount of time, I had really put my hair through a lot. I went to my stylist one day and I told her that we needed to chop it all off. I wanted to go as short as I needed to, to be able to feel healthy ends again. I also felt like if I made that sacrifice for the benefit of my hair, maybe it would help me stay on the “road to recovery” and stop committing serious hair crimes.
We went for a cute bob. Yep. “Mermaid hair” to bob.
It was actually super cute and I’ve really enjoyed having short hair, but I want my length back!
I’m going to break it to you now like my stylist has done for me, this is going to hurt a little but I promise it will make you stronger… Truth bomb time… When it comes to growing out your natural hair, the magical elixir you just saw online probably isn't going to work...
PLEASE – if you haven’t already learnt this lesson like I had to – listen to the words of your stylist, they literally dedicate their lives to learning everything there is to know about this stuff…
Trust me, if miracle hair growth products REALLY worked then your stylists would be using them, hey – it would bring you back more frequently for your trims! Substantial growth purely because you’re using these products is really not likely, at all.
BUT – There is a way you can have your cake and eat it too!
My stylist put me on to Kiki’s Halo Hair Extensions not long after I “got the chop” and I LOVE using them. They look amazing and I am so excited about what has been happening to my own hair! It's growing, it's healthy and it's feeling amazing again!
I have a new look, my hair is getting the TLC it needs, AND I feel like I have a whole new "me" - all because of Halo Hair Extensions!"
Halo Hair Extensions. The length you WANT to achieve, immediately, while giving your natural hair a chance to grow – damage free!
So, What are Halo Hair Extensions?
Halo Hair Extensions are a weft of locks that don’t have to be fixed on to your natural hair. Instead, an invisible wire that basically sits like a headband holds them in place.
Most people have heard of them by now, but they are the one of the latest and greatest on the scene of hair extension types. We completely understand why they're such a hit and after reading the story from our anonymous client, we think these babies are going to help a LOT more, just like her!
Our halos are made from premium quality European hair and are easily matched with ALL hair types. Halo extensions look fantastic in long OR short hair and allow quick style changes that look absolutely stunning.
Why are Halo Hair Extensions amazing?
They are virtually undetectable and are REALLY quick to put in and take out – instant length and style WITHOUT the long-term damage and high maintenance.
And, because they aren’t fused, glued, or attached in any way to your actual hair, they cannot damage it. Watch the video below to see how quick our halos are to place!
Halo Hair Extensions are fantastic for quick and less permanent extensions that are going to give you the look you’re after while protecting your natural hair as much as possible. They allow your hair to grow, undisturbed, while you’re relishing in the length and volume they’re adding.
Our halos are really comfortable, so much so that our clients often forget they have them in! The wire does not get irritating and it’s fully adjustable to suit any head shape and size.
Styling is easy and versatile with options for layered halo hair extensions, classic halo hair extensions, deluxe halo hair extensions and halo hair extensions for short hair.
And YES, you can definitely wear your hair up OR down with a Halo Hair Extension piece in!
What is the maintenance level for Halo Hair Extensions?
Low Maintenance. Yay!
TIP: Take your halo to your salon as soon as possible and get it styled with your own hair while it’s in place. This is going to make sure it blends perfectly with your natural hair and you don’t need to take them back for adjustments like other methods of extensions.
The client whose story you just read said:
"I’m pretty OCD when it comes to being able to pick see my extensions, I don’t want them to be noticeable… I want the “I was born this perfect…” look!
My stylist makes minimal adjustments to my halo but it’s a great idea to get them checked!"
She is totally right!! Every time you go in for your trim (usually 6 to 8 weekly visits), take you halo with you so your stylist can make sure it’s still blending well as your hair grows.
How long do they last?
Generally the lifespan of halo hair extensions are around 6 to 12 months, depending on how well you look after them.
This is something that you can extend by bringing them with you to your stylist appointments – keep them fresh and well looked after and they can last a lot longer! Your stylist will be able to help you maintain them and teach you the best products to use on them.
If you want to book in with one of Kiki’s amazing team, click here.
How do I pick the right Halo for me?
Kiki’s halos come in two variants, Classic or Deluxe – the difference comes down to the weight of the hair (Classic is 120grams and Deluxe is 220grams).
Base your choice on the look you want to achieve! Better yet, get a Kiki Stylist to help you out!
If you are looking for subtle and natural transition and have thinner to medium hair, the Classic might be your best bet.
If you want a glamour look or a thicker style – you may want to go for the Deluxe.
They come in 20 or 26-inch lengths and are available in 25 different colours – including solid colours or balayage and highlights. Get one of Kiki’s Colour Match Gurus to find your perfect match for you: Click here then click on “Find My Shade” and one of our team will send you a link to your perfect match.
"I can honestly say to you that I have not disobeyed the advise of my amazing stylist. It has been the best thing I have ever done for my hair. I have accepted the fact that I am not a hairdresser I am pretty sure my hair thanks me for that every day…! Having my halo hair extensions has helped bring my hair back from the dead and I absolutely love them!" - Anonymous Kiki Client
When you get yours, send us a photo of how amazing they look! We can’t wait to see them!
With love Kiki